Monday, Jul. 12, 1926

Legislative Week

The Senate--

P: Rejected the Fess Bill for farm relief, 54 to 26. Passed minor Co-operative Marketing Bill. (See below). P: Ordered the Judiciary Committee to inquire into the handling of the "bread trust" cases by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. Senator La Follette, son of the late Robert M. ("Fighting Bob") La Follette, has taken up this matter as his first national fight. P: Passed the last appropriation bill, the second general deficiency, carrying a total of $44,000,000 with the House approving it the same day.

P: Passed the Dill Radio Bill, putting control in hands of a commission of five, thereby relieving Secretary of Commerce Hoover of one of the many regulatory problems which have, since 1920, fallen his way. Radio commissioners' salary will be $10,000. The theory of the bill is expressed in the declaration that "Use, but not ownership of channels of radio transmission will be allowed under license for a limited period of years." (Bill went to the House which had already passed a one-man radio-control bill. Differences between Senate and House bills are to be settled in conference between now and December.) P: Passed numerous pension, local, and minor bills; adjourned until November 10, when it will sit as a court of impeachment for the trial of Judge George Washington English of Illinois (TIME, May 17). The House-- P: Passed Army Air Bill, the last of three big air expansion measures, providing for expenditure of $250,000,000 in five years. (Went to the President who signed it.) P: Refused, 246 to 34, to eliminate from the Second Deficiency Bill an item granting $2,686,760 for Prohibition enforcement. The Wets were humiliated.

P: Received Co-operative Marketing Bill from Senate and passed it without much ado. (Went to President who signed it with special pleasure.)

P: Adopted a Senate resolution calling for a Pan-Pacific conference in Honolulu, next spring, to discuss education, rehabilitation, reclamation.

P: Passed two bills designed to enable the Government to speed up action in criminal and civil suits against onetime Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall and others who had their fingers in the Teapot Dome. (Went to the President who signed them.) P: Cleared away its bulky business and adjourned simultaneously with the Senate, not to meet again until Dec. 6.