Monday, Jul. 12, 1926

Robust -Decree


Robust Decree

President Calles signed last week a decree in 36 firm articles, implanted teeth of acute sharpness in the new body of Mexican anticlerical laws. (TIME, Feb. 22) His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, simultaneously deplored, in an address to 100 U. S. Catholics: "... these laws which are a pretense for the conduct of those who oppress Catholics in Mexico."

The thirty-six-articled decree, clear, direct, robust, imposes a fine of 500 pesos or 15 days' imprisonment on non-Mexican-born clerics whenever they perform "a religious act" (ail-inclusively defined), or give lay instruction to students, or assemble (together or with their congregations) for a religious meeting of any sort.

All "religious newspapers" or "newspapers of a religious interest" are enjoined under heavy penalties from commenting in any way upon the Mexican civil authorities.