Monday, Jul. 19, 1926


At Szolnok, Hungary, terrified peasants besought the local mayor to avert continuance of the recent catastrophic rains throughout Europe (TIME, July 12) by ordering the removal of "all ill omened radio aerials." Scientists talked learnedly of sun spots. Rain fell.

German flood areas: Berlin (31 deaths, $3,000,000 damage); Thuringia; the Elbe Valley; Saxony; Coburg; the Province of Hohenzollern.

French inundated regions: Paris (10 million francs damage: $250,000), and Normandy.

Western Japan: 8 deaths, 300 houses demolished, 3,000 houses inundated, the Shimonoseki-Osaka express derailed by a landslide, 29 passengers injured.

Mexico: floods in the environs of Mexico City.