Monday, Aug. 09, 1926

The Week in Parliament

The Commons-- P: I Upheld the Baldwin Conservative Government 338 to 152 in its watchful waiting policy of dealing with the coal strike (TIME, May 10 et seq.) which has reputedly cost the Empire to date a sum equivalent to $1,000,000,000. P: Heard Liberal leader Lloyd George flay Premier Baldwin for not yielding to the proposal of a group of Church of England dignitaries (TIME, July 26) that the Government subsidize the coal industry for four months, during which time work would be resumed and peace negotiations continued. P: Dozed as Premier Baldwin, seemingly fatigued, "run down," replied to Mr. Lloyd George that the time for granting a subsidy had irredeemably passed. P: Perused with interest garbled reports of a general conference of Miners' Federation delegates in London at which A. J. ("Emperor") Cook, bitter-ender Communist secretary of the Miners' Federation, reputedly admitted that the miners may have to accept a lower wage than that for which they are fighting but enjoined them to a last ditch fight to retain the seven-hour day. The Seven Hours Act was temporarily abrogated by the Eight Hours Act (TIME, July 12 et seq.) which is the keystone of Premier Baldwin's anti-strike program. P: Learned that ten Church of England Bishops and twelve Nonconformist dignitaries had drawn up a proposal (seconded at once by the Miners' Federation conference) that Premier Baldwin repeal the Eight Hours Act in return for which the miners would agree to arbitration of wages. P: Smiled at alarmist reports that the ten Bishops would "stump the country" against Premier Baldwin if he refused to adopt their proposal and hamstring his pet anti-strike measure.