Monday, Aug. 16, 1926
1) What are male citizens of the province of Mantua, Italy, forbidden to do for moral and hygienic reasons? (P. 14.)
2) To do what did President Coolidge stoop down in his barnyard? (P. 5.)
3) What embarrassed a Swiss monk? (P. 13.)
4) How long is the fake tail on a Filipino native? (P. 6.)
5) Why were Swedes shocked to hear that one Nora would have a baby in January? (P. 16.)
6) In what publication appeared the advertisement, "Not a laxative --Buy it by the jar--Ford"? (P. 29.)
7) Who "slurps" his soup, "dunks" his bread? (P. 30.)
8) How many latches on Dr. McDougall's rat-teaser? (P. 16.)
9) Who was "just quiet" when he was not "aroused, excited or happy"? (P. 8.)
10) Who is scheduled to visit the U. S. bringing alb, chasuble, dalmatic and tunicle? (P. 18.)
11) What shocking reversal of policy has the grave New York Times implied? (P. 26.)
12) What did Mrs. Coolidge ask Mr. Jervis not to forget? (P. 5.)
13) Complete the Tigerish phrase: "France is not , even to her ." (P. 12.)
14) Why did Italian peasants curse gallant Umberto Nobile? (P. 14.)
15) What Phi Beta Kappa man has led 16,000 strikers for 30 weeks? (P. 9.)
16) For what may Britons take a holiday on June 29, 1927? (P. 16.)
17) What rare new character in fiction cries "Macte!", "Hercle!", "Conclamatum est!"? (P. 31.)
18) What short-cut reasoner propounded: "A drop of salt water is the whole story of the Padfic Ocean."? (P. 24.)
19) Name by nickname two of the four Marx brothers. (P. 27.)
20) What sum did critics lately agree was the correct gratuity for a common shave? (P. 21.)