Monday, Aug. 23, 1926
Endlessly the controversy has raged as to William Harrison Dempsey's present boxing status. Is he on contract with Patrick Mullins, manager of black Harry Wills, to meet that fighter in Chicago? If not, is he at liberty to fight Eugene Tunney in New York in September? Last week the New York State Athletic Commission restored Dempsey to good standing. Promoter "Tex" Rickard ordered a printer to begin making tickets for the fight (top price $27.50). Patrick Mullins, meeting Fighter Dempsey, called him a liar, a cheat, offered to fight him. A humorous spectator, as he helped to pinion the spindle arms of Manager Mullins, asked loudly that Mr. Mullins be arrested on a charge of attempted suicide. Then the license committee refused Fighter Dempsey a license. Said "Tex" Rickard: "Dempsey and Tunney will fight."