Monday, Oct. 04, 1926


The Very Reverend, the Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London*, published last week are of his many prophecies. Said he: "Everything points to a coming time of trial for the nation and the empire. It seems for every reason unlikely that our position as a world power will endure much longer. Much depends upon the friendliness of the United States on which we certainly cannot count, though of which we should not despair.

"The cordial friendship which many Englishmen enjoy with individual Americans . . . must not blind us either to the intense concentration of the American people at large upon what they consider their own interests, or to the prevailing unfriendliness of America, as expressed by its politicians and journalists, to this country.

"If in the future we are attacked by a European coalition, we may take it as probable that the United States will leave us to our fate, unless, indeed, we are invaded by a black army."

*William Ralph Inge, pronounced to rhyme with King.