Monday, Nov. 01, 1926
Lusty Luisa
Much of the affection that the world-public and especially the Florence-public has for Luisa Tetrazzini answers to her lusty joy in living. She is big, fat, 52 and always hearty. It was in Florence four decades ago, that the twelve-year-old Luisa had already astonished her elder sister Eva, a lauded singer,* by learning "by ear" the words and music of several operas. After her debut as Inez in L'Africaine at Florence (1895) her popularity carried her to $2,500 performances in the U. S., and to similar triumphs in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Russia, England, Mexico. Shrewd, Signora Tetrazzini salted away her pelf in numerous villas which she purchased in Florence and Rome. Not long ago she published her autobiography, La, Mia Vita di Canto (My Life of Song) and seemed to have retired from life and forgotten her former husband, J. G. Bazelli. Yet, last week, she came, once more refulgent, before all Florence as she climbed with firm footfalls up the high stone steps of the Palazzo Vecchio.
Many another had waddled before her into that huge castellated Town Hall: Duke Cosimo de Medici whose semi-royal residence it was; Michael Angelo who carved his David to stand before its door; and last week, the Senior Alderman of Florence, Count Sebregondi, who came to perform the civil marriage of Luisa Tetrazzini.
Hundreds of lights twinkled in the Piazza della Signoria, hundreds of tapers flickered in the Sala dei Cinquecento where the marriage was to be celebrated. All Florence, noisy, restless, lovable, seemed surging about Signora Tetrazzini as she swept within.
Seemingly forgotten was one Pietro Vernatti, 32, favorite tenant of the great diva, 52. He, of course, was the bridegroom. Meek, he stood aside while Count Sebre-gondi praised the golden voice of Luisa Tetrazzini, presented her with the golden pen wherewith the marriage contract was signed. Happy, onetime tenant Vernatti drove off at last with his bouncing bride while Florentines dinned joyously.
-Wife of Cleofante Campanini (1860-1919) from 1906 to 1909 a leading conductor of the Manhattan Opera Company, later with the Chicago Opera.