Monday, Nov. 08, 1926
Street War
In Philadelphia, last week, a Negro boy tossed a rock at Helen and Beatrice Keifer, 21 and 23 years old, white. They reprimanded him. He sulked, dashed away, told his tribe that he had been whipped. Forthwith, hulking Negresses and little pickaninnies bestirred themselves; produced knives, whips, razors; set out to reprimand the Misses Keifer. In a restaurant the Misses Keifer were finishing their evening meal. The Negresses patted their weapons, waited until their victims came upon the street. The Misses Keifer emerged, saw, sprinted. They were overtaken--whips lashed across their backs--black paws ripped their clothing, tore at their hair. Meanwhile, some 20 undergraduates from the University of Pennsylvania jumped into the battle, swung fists at Negroid jaws, felt knives in their flesh. Police arrived before any deaths were recorded.
Later, in a hospital bed lay Michael Bremant, member of University of Pennsylvania wrestling team, with deep cuts in his legs, hands, back, face. In an adjoining room was his roommate, Francis E. Denniston, with his hands cut up. In jail was Anna Johnson, knife-wielding Negress. In the House of Detention were three black girls.