Monday, Nov. 08, 1926

After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous

Citizen points with pride to:

130 operations by candle light. (P. 17.)

A lacquer tray containing harakiri instruments. (P. 18.)

The Rosebery Estates Ltd. (P. 14.)

Henry Ford's first speech. (P. 24.)

"The exact size of the fairies' panties and petticoats." (P. 47.)

98 cents worth of water, iron, lime, sulphur, sugar. (P. 22.)

The law that there shall be law. (P. 38.)

Cakes with the papal colors. (P. 30.)

Dinosaur footprints and tea . . . (P. 9.)

He who leapt upon the turtle's back. (P. 28.)