Monday, Nov. 15, 1926
In legal medicine it is occasionally necessary to know just how drunk, or nearly drunk, a person was at the moment of accident or crime. For comparison purposes, Dr. Villedent of Paris has collated a table from French and German research. Conclusions depend on the fact that alcohol quickly permeates the human body and is carried by the blood. In the following table figures are transcalculated to U. S. measurements, for a 150-pound man: ALCOHOL-EFFECT
5 oz Practically sober
7 oz Inconsiderate
14 oz Exalted
17 oz Unfeeling
24 oz Dead drunk (unconscious)
*The old fashioned whiskey glass contained 2 oz., 8 to the pint. Good foreign brandy contains 50% absolute alcohol, good wine 10%, good beer 5%. To become dead drunk, according to these scientific calculations, would require 1% quarts of brandy, 7% quarts of wine, 1 1/4 cases of beer.