Monday, Nov. 29, 1926
Dear Lulu
Premier Poincare, the great War President of France, one of the whitest whiskered of European statesmen, discovered last week that in the secret code of the French Foreign Office he is referred to as Barbichon (meaning, in boudoir "conversation, "The Little Bearded One" or "Little Whiskers").
"And what," cried M. Poincare, "is the code name of M. Briand [Foreign Minister] ?"
"Lulu," stuttered a trembling underling.
Majestic, M. Raymond Poincare stalked to his office. There his eyes twinkled, his pen scratched. Soon
Aristide Briand was chuckling over the following note:
"Dear Lulu:
"Please ask your young collaborators henceforth to choose their code names from Greco-Roman mythology rather than from among their petites filles.
" (Signed) BARBICHON"