Monday, Dec. 13, 1926
Assistant Mills
Secretary of the Treasury Mellon announced last week that Representative Ogden Livingston Mills of New York would succeed Garrard B. Winston as UnderSecretary of the Treasury. Mr. Mills was not expected to go to his new post until February inasmuch as he is an important member of the Ways and Means Committee of the House, which has tax reduction and alien property bills to consider at the winter session. A man with political ambitions and no longer young, who recently battled to be Governor of New York, cannot be expected to tuck himself quietly away in "the little Cabinet."* Perhaps Mr. Mills merely desires to continue residence at Washington and this Under-Secretaryship was the first opportunity which presented itself; perhaps he is grooming himself to be a future Secretary of the Treasury. But Mr. Mellon, in announcing Mr. Mills's appointment, attempted to forestall rumor by a firm denial of any intent to resign.
* Term applied to Under-Secretaries.