Monday, Dec. 20, 1926
The Legislative Week
The Senate-
Adopted, by a vote of 70 to 7,the resolution of Senator Walsh of Montana, calling for immediate investigation of corruption charges against Senator Gould of Maine (see p. 9).
Received a resolution from Senator Dill of Washington, which would instruct the officers of the Senate to refuse to accept the credentials of Senators-elect Smith of Illinois and Vare of Pennsylvania.
Began consideration of the Geneva protocol prohibiting use of poison gas in warfare.
The House-
Passed appropriation bills of $753,483,000 for Postoffice Department and of $137,371,000 for Treasury Department, including a $11,490,965 item for the Prohibition unit (see p. 9). (Bills went to Senate.)
Passed a bill providing for increases in salaries of Federal judges.* (Bill went to the President.)
Adopted a resolution dismissing impeachment proceedings against Federal Judge George Washington English of the Eastern District of Illinois (TIME, Nov. 22).
Heard that the Republican members of the Ways and Means Committee had unanimously voted against the acceptance of the Administration's tax refund proposal and had rejected the Democratic plan for a permanent tax reduction of $335,000,000.
Was requested, by Representative La Guardia of New York, to ask Secretary Kellogg to inform it of the origin of an Associated Press despatch which was allegedly inspired by some one in the State Department. The despatch talked of a "Mexican-fostered bolshevist hegemony intervening between the U. S. and the Panama Canal."
*Salary of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was increased from $15,000 to $20,500 per annum; Associate Justices, from $14,500 to $20,000; Circuit Judges, from $8,500 to $12,500; District Judges, from $7,500 to $10,000.