Monday, Dec. 20, 1926
Two A Crowd
When the U.S. recognized Senor Adolfo Diaz (Conservative) as President of Nicaragua (TIME, Nov. 29) Secretary Kellogg called attention to the fact that Dr. Juan Sacasa (Liberal) was not in Nicaragua. Dr. Sacasa fled from the country of which he was Vice President on the occasion of the coup d'Liberals, "Juan Sacasa, whose term as Vice President does not expire until 1929, has become the true and rightful President of Nicaragua."
Last week Dr. Sacasa was proclaimed President at Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, by his Liberal followers, who tote many a gun. The Mexican Government immediately extended recognition to the Sacasa Administration. President Diaz appealed to the U.S. which has recognized him as President, for support. At Washington President Coolidge and Secretary Kellogg preserved a cautious silence. Nicaraguans were inclined to feel that two presidents are a crowd.