Monday, Dec. 20, 1926


Had they been interviewed, some people who figured in last week's news might have related certain of their doings as follows:

H.M. George V: "I was late to dinner at Buckingham Palace one night last week. Motoring home from a day's shooting in Berkshire (at the home of Lady Ward, onetime Miss Jean Whitelaw Reid of Manhattan), my chauffeur ran into a dense fog bank on the Great West Road. He tried to make a detour, but floundered hopelessly in the murk and I had to exercise patience while he groped along the grass edge of the road."

Jean Hortense Norris, widowed Manhattan Magistrate: "I, famed for my vitality, for my vigorous interest in matrimonial felicity (TIME, June 28), last week adjusted a flagrant case of impending desertion. One Martha Rosa, 20, appeared in my court charging that one Sixto Margon, 21, Negro, steward on S. S. Cuemo of the Porto Rican Line, was that day sailing for Porto Rico, intending to desert her in a crisis. I at once despatched a detective, who arrested Steward Margon just as the gangplank was being drawn up. After I had lectured him, he married Miss Rosa forthwith. I was congratulating them, when suddenly Margon broke loose from his bride and fled, looking back at one Jose Dueno, who had just entered court. The blackamoor steward, recaptured, was locked up in jail on a charge of bigamy. He had allegedly married, two weeks previously, Mr. Dueno's sister. I was vexed."

Sir Rabindranath Tagore, Indian mystic: "Homing from Europe, I passed last week through Athens. I did not visit the hill-crowning Parthenon. I remained at the villa of a German friend, eating candy."

Louis Marshall, Manhattan lawyer: "My 70th birthday, last week, was seized upon by my admirers as an occasion to call me 'great humanitarian,' 'foremost Jew,' 'great constitutional lawyer.' Julius Rosenwald revived my late wife's term of 'the E. J.-Enthusiastic Jew.' Judge Cardoza said I was 'a great civic institution.' My law partner, Samuel Untermyer, called me 'the most prodigious worker I have ever known.' Besides members of my own race, such men as Elihu Root, James W. Wadsworth Jr., Justice Harlan F. Stone, George W. Wickersham and James Weldon Johnson wrote tributes which were published in the current issue, dedicated entirely to me, of The Jewish Tribune. An editorial in that magazine proclaimed me 'the acknowledged leader of American Jewry,' and, like Joshua, who succeeded Moses as the Jews' leader, a 'prince in Israel' who had neither inheritance nor riches to thank for his preeminence. All this acclaim seemed to have resulted from the facts that, since the age of 12, I had studied constitutions and their law, practicing the latter in the highest U. S. courts on many important occasions; that I headed Jewry's delegation to the Paris Peace Conference and was instrumental in obtaining recognition for racial minorities; that I had settled strikes, served New York Governors, headed Jewish relief drives, and been for some time president of the American Jewish Committee, of Temple Emanu-El, and chairman of the Jewish Theological Seminary, a Jew who 'transcends the limitations of labeled Judaism ... an ambassador from Israel to the people of the world.' "

Henry Ford: "In reply to Merchant Nathan Straus's charges that I have traduced the Jews (TIME, Dec. 6), the Dec. 25 issue of my Dearborn Independent will repeat accusations against the 'International Jew.' This is no particular Jew at whom I point. 'The International Jew,' I say, 'is the most closely organzied racial entity in the world, with an espionage system that covers every village and every larger centre in the country, in direct control of all financial centres of government, including the U. S. Federal Reserve System. . . . He controls the revolutionary elements of the world, on one hand, and the ultra-conservative elements, on the other, so he has equal power in Communistic Russia and in capitalistic England, not to mention the theatre, motion picture and agriculture.' Jews claim my assertions are without proof. Merchant Straus wanted me to debate my accusations before a pseudo-court of ten persons. I was to choose any eight men I pleased, he the other two. I reject his suggestion."

Gilbert Keith Chesterton, lover of paradox: "'Of all lies,' said I last week to the American Club In Oxford, 'the worst lie is that the American worships money. An American never talks of money in the hushed and awe-struck tone that an Englishman employs in referring to financial matters.'"

Paul Poiret, Paris Couturier: "Writing in the January Forum, I prophesied that women, led by the U.S., will soon be wearing trousers. 'And,' said I, 'they will not be a mere short-lived fad; they will become as inevitable as bobbed hair, which is here to stay.' I accompanied my pronouncement with sketches of prospective trouser-designs: The 'Shepherd,' the 'Charleston,' the 'Elastic Sheath.'

Edward S. Harkness, Manhattan financier: "Yale University last week dedicated the million-dollar theatre I gave it two years ago, with five performances of an undergraduate play. Simultaneously I presented to Yale tapestries worth $150,000, obtained by Elihu Yale about 1700 while Governor of Madras and lately bought by me from his English descendants."

David Lloyd George: "Last week, with Dame Lloyd George and our daughter Megan, I entered a cinema. Said I as the film Ben Hur unreeled: 'I have never before watched a motion picture except at private projections in my own house.' "

Alvan Tufts Fuller, Packard Motor Car dealer in Boston, Governor of Massachusetts: "Last week I purchased in Paris, for 58,000 francs, a painting, The Statue, by Hubert Robert, the lively 18th Century French painter admired by Voltaire. Fortnight ago I secured at the Michelham sale in London (TIME, Dec. 6) Romney's much coveted portrait of Lady de la Pole, for $220,000. I often buy pictures. Less frequently, I write poetry."

Ralph Homblower, member Hornblower & Weeks, brokers: "I was last week drawn in Boston for Federal Grand Jury duty, as foreman, in a session to continue till March. Some other members of the jury, which is said to be of unusually high calibre, are: Frederick C. Church Jr. who married Muriel Vanderbilt; and George R. Earle (shoe patterns)."

Mary W. Harriman, widow of Railroad-Financier Edward Henry Harriman (died 1909): "The gold medal which I give annually to the railroad with the best non-accident record again went to the Union Pacific last week. My husband, of whose $100,000,000 estate I am sole heir and manager, built up the Union Pacific system. My sons are both directors. The Union Pacific, which received the medal in 1925 for its 1924 record, obtained the present award because last year its locomotives traveled the equivalent of 53,000,000 miles and carried the equivalent of 1,000,000,000 passengers a mile each, during which time not a single passenger and only five employes were killed."

David Beatty, Earl of the North Sea, Admiral of the Fleet (British), First Sea Lord: "As I dined in state with many a guest, last week, at my estate, the Priory, Reigate, England, the roof caught fire. I, the hero of Jutland, watched the firemen until, convinced that they were louts, I climbed up a gutter pipe to direct their efforts. Stoutly, I shouted commands. My wife, the irrepressible daughter of the late Marshall Field (Dry Goods), cried to our guests: 'You see, the boy stands on the burning deck! Lord Beatty can resist everything but the temptation to command.' "

General Umberto Nobile, polar dirigible engineer: "An audience in Davenport, Iowa, demanded money back after hearing me lecture last week, declaring my Italian accent made my English unintelligible. Sued for $1,800, my promoters withheld from me $800."

Clarence Darrow, criminal lawyer: "'I've hardly read a line about it,' said I last week about the Hall-Mills murder case, which I described as dull."

Clarence Darrow: "In Manhattan, I urged violation of the Volstead Act. I recommended the example of early Christians, who 'bootlegged' Christianity into the Roman Empire."

*Investment Bankers William Averell and Edward Roland Noel Harriman.