Monday, Jan. 03, 1927
ing the inscription: "For Bravery in the face of Senate Gas." A telegram offering him the Democratic nomination for President in 1928, which Mr. Dawes accepted provided the Republican nomination was added to it. A small silk hat, to which Mr. Dawes replied: "My head is no larger than it was when I came to the Senate." A yellow taxicab, accompanied by the reading of a parody on "Sheridan 20 Miles Away," which told how Mr. Dawes slept at the Hotel Willard while the Senate voted down the nomination of Charles B. Warren for Attorney General. A cartoon of Mr. Dawes, to be used in case of his absence. Two dolls, "Helen" and "Maria." A steel-shafted driver, a duplicate of the one which Mr. Dawes frequently borrows from his golfing mate, Col. Edwin A. Halsey. A bouquet for Mrs. Dawes, who smiled happily.