Monday, Jan. 03, 1927

Jab, Jab, Jab

Sharp yelps and long drawn shuddering howls issued last week from a squat building at Mexico City in which the recently enacted dog licensing law was being enforced.

Dog lovers approached nervously with their pets. Each would have to receive a license tag or the untagged dog would be exterminated when caught. "Advanced" Mexican law givers had tied a hypodermic syringe full of anti-rabies serum to the tail of their law. . . .

For days an operating surgeon and his assistant labored: jab, jab, jab. . . .

No dog could be registered until inoculated. As more and more dogs were brought the pandemonium increased. There was little time to sterilize the needles, none in which to soothe the frightened or angry dogs. Female dog owners fainted fearing the sight of blood. Male dog owners fought with the doctors in several instances to keep their pets from being jabbed. Finally a cordon of mounted police was drawn around the dog registry, foot gendarmes rushed in and quelled the near riot, the long drawn howls grew plaintive, ceased.