Monday, Jan. 03, 1927

Hornsby Traded

Last week Samuel Breadon, owner of the world's champion St. Louis baseball "Cardinals," traded Rogers Hornsby, player-manager, called "the greatest batter in baseball" to the New York Giants for Frank Frisch, the second baseman, and a right-handed pitcher named James Ring.

By his own stamina and generalship, Hornsby made an unremarkable team into a great one. Twenty pounds under weight and wearing a brace, he performed prodigies in the world series; steeples rocked, bands played, firecrackers exploded and mounted policemen kept back the crowds when he went home to St. Louis. For six years he led all the batsmen of the National League. In 1924 his average was .424 the highest ever achieved by a modern-day player. Last season, weakened by boils and injuries, he batted .317. He is said to be "worth" $300,000. He quarreled with Owner Breadon because he asked for a three-year contract at $150,000.