Monday, Feb. 07, 1927


"At the national capitol, one Robert Wilson, new page boy, rushed through the lobbies, encountered one Harry J. Brown, cried that a roll-call vote was on, Mr. Brown told Page Wilson to rush back and vote for him. Page Wilson, in the Chamber, did so, crying 'Aye' when the clerk staccatoed 'Browne.'* Talley clerks were startled by the treble. It was discovered that Harry Brown, page teaser, is correspondent of the Salt Lake City Tribune."

A tale to this effect was telegraphed throughout the land. Next day, Representative Sinnott, of Oregon said the tale was correct except that Correspondent Brown had nothing to do with it. He, Sinnott, had managed the whole joke.

*Edward Everts Browne, Republican, represents the Eighth Wisconsin District.