Monday, Feb. 21, 1927
Blood & Eggs
Last week young Harvard bloods thronged to a midnight smoker in the University Theatre with malice aforethought. One "Bob" Lampoon, janitor in the building of Harvard's funny magazine, was billed to play flute solos. When Mr. Lampoon and flute appeared, pennies rattled on the stage, an egg stained the backdrop, another egg, a hail of eggs. Mr. Lampoon retired. . . . Soon Harvard Square was full of eggs. Taximen fled. A girl screamed. Policeman Pryor rushed to her assistance, took a punch on the jaw, drew his pistol, kept young Harvard at bay while he summoned four Black Marias* and 40 colleagues. Blood, eggs, torn raiment and silence soon lay in Harvard Square. Comrades bailed out all but eight of 39 arrested students, including Footballer Arthur E. French Jr. The Harvard Crimson (undergraduate daily) charged Cambridge police with unwarranted, unnecessary, brutal assault.
*Police term of endearment for patrol wagons.