Monday, Feb. 28, 1927
6006 Stockings. President Edward Freschl of Holeproof Hosiery, Milwaukee,* told a trouble last week: "Suddenly, somewhere, some woman conceived the idea of black shoes and champagne colored stockings. The idea spread Variations of style followed quickly. Where 480 styles of stockings were carried in 1920, the company now has to carry 6006." Remington Rand Inc. Chairman Benjamin La Fon Winchell of Remington Typewriter explained the pending merger of his company with Rand-Kardex (visible indexes), Baker-Vawter (filing cabinets) and Dalton Adding Machine: "Throughout the world these concerns are duplicating their selling efforts [through 4,500 field representatives] to an extent which insures good rewards for intelligent efforts made under a coordinated management." Their combined net earnings last year were $7,716,378.
Women Security Owners. In the pervasive effort to spread ownership of corporate securities everywhere, certain concerns have attracted the woman investor:
Bell Telephone System 399,121 218,852 Pennsylvania R. R. 141,202 70,391
Public Service Corp. (N J ) 67,303 26,000 Standard Oil (N. J.) 44,653 12,473
*Where Everwear, Phoenix and Milwaukee brands of hosiery are also made.