Monday, Mar. 14, 1927

Graefe Strafed

"What Christian Statesmen are in the pay of Jewish financiers?" Recently Herr Hugo Graefe, potent German landholder, propounded this question in a campaign speech and answered it himself: "My friends, I will tell you one Christian the Jews have bought! Our Foreign Minister [Dr. Gustav Stresemann] has a villa and a castle given him as bribes by Jewish bankers to reveal State secrets and betray the Fatherland!"

Last week the High Court at Weimar found Herr Graefe guilty of malicious slander, sentenced him to three months in jail. Indignant friends of Dr. Stresemann explained once again that his wife has a rich bachelor brother who delights to open his purse and let Frau Stresemann entertain herself, her friends, Dr. Stresemann's friends, at lavish semi-official functions quite beyond the Stresemann means.

Vindicated, Dr. Stresemann opened the spring session of the Council of the League of Nations last week at Geneva, an historic session because he is the first German to preside over the council.