Monday, Mar. 14, 1927

Had they been interviewed, some people who figured in last week's news might have related certain of their doings as follows:

John D. Rockefeller Jr., philanthropist: "Moving men all last week carried furniture into the new 166-suite Thomas Garden Apartment that I have financed cheaply in lower Bronx, New York City. The goods belonged to bricklayers, electricians, policemen, streetcar men, firemen, bookkeepers, teachers, librarians and like members of the thrifty and shifted classes, for I have provided rooms at rents they can afford. Each tenant pays down $1,000 to $1,700 cash, and thereafter $64 to $100 monthly. Eventually he will own his apartment outright. All this I have made possible by financing the construction at exceedingly low interest rates."

Monteiro Lobato, famed Brazilian author: "My novel, The Clash of the Races, or The Negro President, will soon be published in the U. S. Its hero is a Negro who becomes President of the U. S."

Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart, 17th Duque de Alba, 10th Duke of Berwick, descendant (as his name suggests) of an illegitimate son of King James II, eleven times a Grandee of Spain, and through the Larreategui family a descendant of Christopher Columbus: "As an intimate of His Most Catholic Majesty King Alfonso XIII of Spain, I have repeatedly caused newsgatherers to draw from my remarks the inference that His Majesty will soon visit the U. S. Always these reports have been denied; but last week I became so expansive that correspondents left my presence with the impression that His Majesty intends to visit the U. S. this year as a royal polo player, accompanied by the team of young grandees with whom he plays habitually in Spain."

Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands: "I do not read the U. S. newspapers, but if I did, last week I might have seen a little story which would have amused me. It was to the effect that the International Acceptance Bank of Manhattan was sending to the Straits Settlements a shipment of $600,000 in gold coins. Reason: the natives of this British Possession who carry on Dutch traditions, believe the head of the Goddess of Liberty to be a representation of my own head, and consequently suitable for wedding presents."

H. R. H. Prince George, 4th son of H. M. King George: "Last week it was divulged that I, recently back from naval service in China, eager to see a news-film of China, went to a London cinema theatre with a friend, elbowed my way into standing room. None recognized me, none offered a seat."

King-Emperor: "Said I, last week, at the London horseshow: 'I don't like to see women ride astride; the other way is much more graceful.' "

The Earl of Birkenhead (onetime F. E. Smith), Secretary of State for India: "Last week, in London, the Weekly Dispatch announced that my daughter, Lady Eleanor, 'beautiful, sophisticated,' had become its society editor."

The Rev. Samuel Atkins Eliot: "The literary executors of my late father, President Emeritus Charles William Eliot of Harvard University, are myself and Jerome Davis Greene, his onetime secretary. Last week we authorized Henry James, son of Pragmatist William James, nephew and namesake of the novelist, to prepare my father's biography. Biographer James is a Harvard overseer. He wrote The Life of Richard Olney."

George Fisher Baker, 87, financier: "At Jekyl Island, near Brunswick, Ga., where I am taking a vacation, I developed a cold and had an attack of stomach trouble. Wall Street traders, who borrow much money from my First National Bank, decided I was dying; rushed to sell stock; made many shares drop three to four points in value. Soon thereafter I was reported as feeling well. . . . At Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University announced that the Faculty Building of the new Business School, erected as the result of my gift, would be named in memory of my good friend, the late John Pierpont Morgan."

George Fisher Baker Jr., financier: "Burglars crawled through portholes of my yacht Ventura last week as it lay in Nassau, Bahamas, harbor. They took $700 from me, my guest and my crew."

George Fisher Baker 3rd: "Last week in Aiken, S. C., newspapermen found me learning what they described as 'the fine art of boxing.' I was photographed and written up."

Rufus Daniel Isaacs, Marquess, Earl and Viscount Reading, onetime Viceroy of India (1921-26), High Commissioner to the U. S. (1918), Lord Chief Justice of England (1913-21), millionaire: "The Jewish Telegraphic agency revealed last week that famed David Lloyd George, Welsh commoner, recently sought to discomfit me at a banquet in London by addressing me in Welsh. Instantly I responded in a language which many present supposed to be Welsh. Actually, I confessed last week, it was Hebrew."