Monday, Mar. 14, 1927


In Rome, cooped by the walls of the Vatican, is a saintly man called II Papa, which means in English, the Pope. By recent Roman Catholic tradition he finds himself forever unable to set foot on the earth of Italy. This self-marooning followed an altercation some 60 years ago between the Church and the State in which the State did not lose. But last week Hope peeked over the Vatican walls and winked at his holiness. Il Papa was to emancipate himself with an airplane, despatches from the Eternal City hinted. In this way he was able to avoid the technical foot-touching of Italy.

The idea was born with hearing that Commander Francesco da Pinedo had successfully flown to South America. Another Important usage of the airplane was expected, i.e., in carrying cardinals to the papal election. Whenever a Pope dies the red-hatted cardinals must meet within a time limit of 10 days, which time in the past has been insufficient for American and Australian electors to reach Rome. No American could get to Rome, for instance, at the election following the death of Pope Benedict XV.

In case of a forced landing, a red carpet quickly spread would do for a cardinal, but would not prevent the Pope from breaking a tradition of the world's most potent Tradition.