Monday, Mar. 21, 1927
Game No. 3
1) What is the fourth largest city in the U. S.?
2) What is the third largest city in the world?
3) In what profession was three-fingered Mordecai Brown?
4) In what room at Versailles was the Peace Treaty signed?
5) Who is this:
6) What was D. W. Griffith's first big picture?
7) Of what body is Charles G. Dawes the President?
8) What daily newspaper (and it is neither a U. S. newspaper nor the London Times) has the largest circulation in the world?
9) On what street are most of the newspapers in London?
10) What kind of cheese is "smelliest"?
11) What is the best thing to make limburger cheese out of?
12) Who defended Leopold & Loeb?
13) What architect was murdered on the roof of a building he himself designed?
14) Whose statue was on the top of old Madison Square Garden tower?
15) What was the most important job the late Bonar Law ever held?
16) What is the term for a male or female baby of an Indian squaw?
17) A long-Indian and a short Indian were sitting on a fence. The long Indian was the son of the short Indian. But the short Indian was not the father of the long Indian. What relation was the short Indian to the long Indian?
18) Why was it that the U. S. Government chose 1909 as the year in which to banish Indian heads from pennies and replace them with the head of Lincoln?
19) Whose picture is on the stamp on every package of cigarettes in this country?
20) What is swallowed by the crocodile in Peter Pan?
21) What was the question Peter Pan asked the audience?
22) Why do Arabs leave a top-lock upon their shaven polls?
23) What mammal, besides porpoise and dolphin, lives in the water all the time?
24) Who said: "You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold?"
25) Of what kind of wood did Noah build the Ark?