Monday, Mar. 21, 1927

Answers to No. 2

1) A hobby horse.

2) Pride

3) Horace Greeley.

4) Mary Todd.

5) Morgan. (John Pierpont.)

6) McClellan.

7) Medicine. ("Father of Medicine.")

8) Woodrow Wilson. (The U. S. Constitution says: "The President shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States when called into the actual service of the United States.")

9) Two. (A rhomboid is a parallelogram in which the angles are oblique and the adjacent sides are unequal.)

10) They bisect each other.

11) Butcher bird. (He often impales his prey--small animals and large insects--on thorns.)

12) "Meadow-peak"--the mountain with a meadow at its base.

13) Two. (Mrs. Richard Derby is the other one.)

14) One. (Margaret. Two are married--Eleanor McAdoo and Jessie Sayre. Mr. Sayre is a Professor at Harvard Law School.)

15) Taking a bath. (On the roof of her house. King David was taking an evening walk on the roof.)

16) Gave him a job as soldier in the front line trenches. (Bathsheba's husband was killed in action.)

17) Chaucer.

18) Bathsheba's husband.

19) In Dayton, Tenn. (Scene of the famed monkey trial.)

20) The Gideons. (They have been doing it since 1909. They are members of the Christian Commercial Travelers' Association.)

21) Southampton.

22) Siam.

23) Oscar Wilde.

24) Fish expert. ("Fishist.")

25) Kissel car.