Monday, Mar. 21, 1927
Flag Etiquette
An addition to the Lexington, Neb., high school was under construction. Until a new flagpole should be ready, the authorities demonstrated their patriotism by having the school's U. S. flag nailed to the top of the workmen's 60-foot hoisting tower (with elevator for bricks, mortar, etc.). The flag flew there bravely by day, and drooped there darkly by night. The Girl Scouts and local War veterans protested, but nothing was done until one night last week, unable to stand it longer, Girl Scout Mildred Sorenson, 15, climbed the hoisting tower and chopped the flag free. Coming down she lost her hold, fell 40 feet, never regained consciousness. Lexington, Neb., felt better posted on flag etiquette.*
* The flag should be displayed only from sunrise to sunset, or between such hours as may be designated by proper authority."