Monday, May. 09, 1927
"Wooing Quarters"
What is the nature of social conditions existing in large office buildings? Recently the Japanese Government determined to find out, loosed a band of secret operatives upon Tokyo. From data gathered came a report last week. Extract: "Modern office buildings are veritable wooing quarters, where flirtations are taking place. The tendency to attempt marriage as a result of chance acquaintanceship outside the home naturally is alarming so far as the well-being of the nation is concerned."
Observers recalled that Japanese husbands and wives can divorce each other at any time merely by registering their mutual desire to do so with the civil authorities. Under this system divorces have decreased 50% in Japan during the past 30 years. Only 51,687 divorces were granted last year; 80%, at the instigation of the wife, who, by custom, returns to her family without claiming alimony.
This system has grown up on the assumption that the responsibilities of marriage are undertaken as much between the families as between the lovers. Therefore, if office building contacts lead to irresponsible marriages, the families affected cannot be expected to assume the same responsibilities as heretofore, and, in the words of the Secret Service report: "The tendency . . . naturally is alarming ... so far as the well-being of the nation is concerned."