Monday, May. 09, 1927

City Values

The Census Bureau last week published its tabulations of 1925 property values in 247 U. S. cities which at that time had more than 30,000 inhabitants. Total valuations were $63,584,863,000. Only 12 cities contained property assessed at more than one billion dollars: VALUATION POPULATION New York Washington $12,944,481,000 1,329,709,000 5,873,356 St. Louis Philadelphia 1,194,633,000 3,967,810,000 1,979,364 Detroit Cincinnati 2,757,664,000 1,018,498,000 1,242,044 Cleveland Pittsburgh 1,014,117,000 2,168,243,000 936,485 Chicago 1,873,922,000 2,995,239 Boston 1,862,000,000 781,529 Baltimore 1,476,386,000 796,296 Los Angeles 1,374,751,000 1,222,500 497,906 821,543 409,333 631,563 Taxes levied against these billions of property totaled $2,508,924,366. This was $403,066,594 less than the 247 cities needed to pay their debts. Only 44 cities collected enough taxes to clear their year's obligations.