Monday, May. 09, 1927



In Long Island City, N. Y., across the square from a courthouse where an adultress and a corset salesman were on trial for murder, a small man appeared at dawn trundling a wheelbarrow full of lumber. He selected a site, began sawing, hammering, whistling.

Asked a policeman: "Say. what the . . .?"

"Everything 0. K.," cried the small man, dragging out a scrawled piece of paper, "me got what you call permit."

The scrawl explained that the small man was, in consideration of $100 paid, entitled to sell "hot dogs" and soft drinks at a stand in that square during the trial. The policeman explained for an hour. The small man trundled his lumber away.

In Los Angeles

In Los Angeles, Calif., Judge W. S. Summerfield granted divorces in one day to Ida Washington from George Washington; to Fanny Washington from another George

Washington; to Elizabeth Standish from Miles Standish; to Margaret Hugo from Victor Hugo.


In England, the Matamata terrapin at the London Zoo, having lain motionless in a corner of its tank for months, last week shoved out its legs, walked a short distance, drew in its legs, lay motionless.