Monday, May. 16, 1927


That if Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth should run for Congress she would certainly win; that most women now in Congress owe their position to being widows or wives of onetime Congressmen, not to their own merits; that women in Washington "pull the strings of power"--all this said Miss Vera Bloom last week in Washington. Miss Bloom, daughter of Congressman Sol Bloom, Democrat of New York, spoke at the second world welfare conference of the Women's Universal Alliance. Miss Bloom also said: "Mrs. Coolidge is worth $1,000,000 a year to the Republican Party. Her grace and charm are real assets in the White House and contribute much to the prestige of the Administration." Conference delegates also heard Miss Majorie Webster discuss "How to Develop Personality"; Miss Ella May Powell on "Music, the World's New Refuge"; and saw a religious pageant with authentic Biblical costumes from the Holy Land.