Monday, May. 16, 1927
Day and night for 120 hours last week Mexican Federal troops pursued rebellious General Rudolfo L. Gallegos (250 lb.), leader of an insurgent revolt in the state of Guanajuato, where he was onetime Military Commandant. . . .
One after another 31 horses found 250 lb. too great a weight to carry at full gallop. Yet, spurred by Death behind, General Gallegos changed from horse to horse, his body anguished from jouncing, his face haggard, fearful. . . .
Only a bare score of followers surrounded General Gallegos when the Federal troops finally caught up to him at Tepozan last week. Federal rifles barked and suddenly the General's horse, wounded, grew knock-kneed, whinneyed in agony, sagged and toppled. As Rodolfo Gallegos struggled to rise, the troops broke through his men and were upon him. Pitiless, they pumped lead, then jabbed swords, into fat General Gallegos until he expired, butchered. Near Nogales, Ariz., 33 rebel Mexican Indians fled across the border to be lodged in a protective U. S. jail.