Monday, May. 16, 1927


Seeking $6,000,000 to complete Cleveland's medical centre, promoters last week sent out a prospectus :

"It is significant that citizens living in the practical environment of Cleveland have sought to combine utilitarian value with inherent beauty in their memorials. . . . They have made their very memorials to live and to serve as did the loved ones for whom they stand. In the institutions now operating as units of the medical centre are found such 'living memorials,' identified by a bronze tablet here, a modest name plate there. Following is a schedule of memorial gifts for your thoughtful consideration."

To dedicate: Dispensary Unit $80,000

X-Ray Department 50,000

Operating Suite 25,000

Solarium 15,000

Private Room, large 15,000

Women Internes' Suite 10,000

Private Room, small 10,000

Bed in Perpetuity 5,000

Bed for Life of Donor 3,000