Monday, May. 16, 1927

Born. To President Paul von Hindenburg, 79, of Germany; a great-granddaughter. The parents are Herr and Frau Hans Heinrich von Brockhusen. Herr von Brockhusen is the son of the President's daughter.

Married. Helen Nancy ("Peggy") Green, 19, daughter of Governor Fred Warren Green of Michigan, to Norval Tyrell, managing editor of the The Wolverine, Michigan College year hook; by elopement, at Bowling Green, Ohio. Governor Green telegraphed: "You surprised us a little. .

Married. Susan Clay, 26, poetess, great-granddaughter of rawboned Statesman-Orator Henry Clay of Kentucky; to William Sawitzky, 47, art-writer and lecturer; in Lexington, Ky.

Married. W. Lee Smith, 32, Grand Dragon of the Indiana Klu Klux Klan; to Katharine Halbig, 24; secretly, after eloping; at Louisville, Ill. Indiana Klansmen, discovering last week that the bride is a Roman Catholic, were reported to be "in a rage."

Died. Michael Barry Kilmer, 11, son of the late poet Joyce Kilmer, who was killed in the War, and Poetess Aline Murray Kilmer; in Boston; while having his tonsils removed.

Died. Mrs. Katherine Harris Orlowski, 34, wife of Leon Orlowski, secretary of the Polish Legation to the U. S.; onetime (1910-18) wife of Actor John Barrymore,* and (1921-23) of Sportsman Alexander Dallas Bache Pratt; in Manhattan.

Died. Ernest R. Ball, 48, composer of "Mother Machree," "Love Me and the World Is Mine," "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," "Let the Rest of the World Go By," "Will You Love Me .in December As You Did in May?"/- and many another tune; of heart disease, suddenly; at Santa Ana, Calif., while on a vaudeville tour.

Died. Dr. John Goodrich Clark, 59, gynecologist, onetime (1917) president of the Clinical Congress of Surgeons of North America, professional adviser to John D. Rockefeller Jr. in establishing the Rockefeller Medical College at Peking; in Philadelphia, after long illness.

Died. Bruce McRae, 60, able actor, nephew of the late actor, Sir Charles Wyndham; nephew of the late playwright, Bronson Howard; father-in-law of Artist Nell Brinkley; of heart disease; at City Island, N. Y.

Died. Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, 72, president emeritus of the University of California; in Vienna; after long illness.

Died. James Roosevelt Roosevelt, 73, philanthropist, half-brother of onetime Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin Delano Roosevelt; father-in-law of present Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Douglas Robinson; onetime brother-in-law of the late Colonel John Jacob Astor; of asthma; at his estate, Red House, near Hyde Park, N. Y.

Died. Hudson Maxim, 74, famed inventor; from anemia and gastric ulcers; at Lake Hopatcong, N. J. (See p. 18).

Died. Madame Motta, 83, cousin of President Giuseppe Motta of Switzerland; of heart attack, while in the confessional at the church of Bellinzona, Switzerland.

*Who later married Mrs. Leonard M. Thomas (pen name: "Michael Strange"). /-Lyric written by James John Walker, onetime Greenwich village boy, now Mayor of New York City.