Monday, May. 16, 1927
Though officially retired (TIME, Dec. 27), scholarly Walter Damrosch, for 42 years conductor of the New York Symphony Orchestra will reappear next year at his oldtime stand in Carnegie Hall as a guest conductor. Other guests will be Conductors Fritz Busch of the Dresden Opera and Ossip Gabrilowitsch of Detroit. And last week the Symphony Society announced who its fourth guest would be--darkly handsome Clemens Krauss, conductor-director of municipal opera at Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Herr Krauss, who looks more like a Spanish matador than an orchestra leader, has never visited the U. S. In Europe his fame is wide--as one-time guest conductor of the Vienna Philharmonic, as organizer of Wagner festivals in Vienna, Frankfurt, Salzburg. This summer he will be a leading figure at the 50th anniversary of the Wagner festival at Bayreuth.