Monday, Jul. 18, 1927

Cigar Store

Cities between Boston and St. Louis will for the next ten weeks be visited by the first "flying cigar store," unless it, the much-traveled Sikorsky biplane S-29,* specially tricked out and loaded by the United Cigar Stores Co., has further misfortune. Last week, trying to start its tour from Curtiss Field, L. I., it bowled into a smaller ship obscured by dust on the field, delaying its departure four days. On board were eight persons including skipper and wife, salesmen, mechanics.

*This ship is said to have covered more than 500,000 miles carrying passengers around the U. S. /-The highest altitude ever reached by an airplane was 40,820 feet (almost 7 1/2 miles) by Jean Callizo in a Bleriot-Spad biplane with Lorraine motor, on Aug. 23, 1926.