Monday, Jul. 25, 1927

Exports, Imports

U. S. foreign trade for the month of June, as estimated by the Department of Commerce last week, showed an even balance between exports and imports. In both cases goods were worth $359,000,000. Trade values over longer periods were:

First six months of 1927: EXPORTS $2,370,000,000; IMPORTS $2,131,000,000.

First six months of 1926: EXPORTS $2,179,747,000; IMPORTS $2,302,876,000.

Fiscal year July 1, 1926, to June 30, 1927: EXPORTS $4,980,000,000; IMPORTS $4,270,000,000.

Fiscal year July 1, 1925, to June 30, 1926: EXPORTS $4,727,556,000; IMPORTS $4,467,641,000.