Monday, Aug. 08, 1927
Patron Green
"This is just another of Colonel Green's strange whims," saiD one of his neighbors, Mrs. Arthur A. Houghton, sister-in-law of the U. S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James's.
Perhaps Colonel Green does have strange whims--most wealthy men with scientific inclinations are considered "queer" by their neIghbors. But, more likely, Colonel Green's newest whim will make him a patron of U. S. aviation as famed as Rodman Wanamaker, Raymond Orteig, Daniel Guggenheim, Henry & Edsel Ford.
Colonel Green plans to build a $1,500,000 airport on his estate, Round Hills, at South Dartmouth, Mass, (near New Bedford). He will have two magnificent runways, 3,800 and 2,700 feet long; a bay protected by a breakwater for the use of seaplanes; some of the finest radio equipment in the U. S.; spacious hangars, experimental buildings.
"I want young fellows," said Colonel Green, "with good ideas and no money ... to feel that here is a place where they can come. I will grubstake them when their ideas appear sound, and let them perfect and experiment. If they develop anything marketable, they can take it out and it is theirs."
In particular, Colonel Green wants to perfect radio devices for combatting fog. Said he: "We can give the government more fog here to work with than any other place in the country."
Fashionable neighbors of Colonel Green have refused to sell him adjoining land that he wanted, have attempted to thwart his airport scheme on the grounds that it will be a nuisance to their summer tranquillity. "Let them go to it." stormed Colonel Green last week.
And who is this Colonel Green? He is Edward Rowland Robinson Green, 59, only son of the late Hetty Green, undoubtedly the richest and most-talked-about woman in the U. S. in her day or anyone's day. From her, Colonel Green inherited some $175,000,000. He used to be in the railroad business; but now he is retired, devotes most of his time and part of his fortune to a powerful radio station and experimental laboratory on his estate at South Dartmouth. He is glad to have scientists come there to work. As early as 1924, he succeeded in transmitting motion pictures by radio for a distance of 60 feet.
He got his title of Colonel, as did Col. Edward M. House, from an appointment to the staff of the Governor of Texas. He has lost one leg; the other is slightly rheumatic--so he rides about in an electric car over the seven miles of paved roads on his estate. A genial squire and patron, he keeps 300 employees, has 32 residences for them.