Monday, Aug. 15, 1927

Tardy Telegram


TIME, in its issue of July 11, carried a review of Alma, Margaret Fuller's recent novel. This review referred to Miss Fuller as "once the secretary, now the wife of Edmund Clarence Stedman." You telegraphed us on July 1 asking for confirmation of this statement, but because of the holidays your telegram did not reach us until July 5. We wired you immediately that Miss Fuller has never been married and that Mr. Stedman has been dead for years. Miss Fuller was Mr. Stedman's secretary and was with him all the last years preceding his death, except when temporarily relieved by Miss Zona Gale.

Would you be so good as to print a note correcting this error at your convenience? -THAYER HOBSON

William Morrow & Co. Publishers New York, N. Y. --Plan


I imagine that there may be a good many readers of TIME who are members of _ the American Legion and who may be going to the Legion convention in Paris this September.

Some of these Legionnaires will be running over to London for a week or two, and I would suggest now that they stop in and see if there is such a member of the London Author's Club as Mr. Cyril D. H. G. Dillington-Dowse who wrote you a letter of such foul criticism on the club stationery (TIME, June 13). My blood still boils when I remember his sneering reference to "The Yanks, a nation ... by no means of the first rank, who . . . found themselves in 1914-18 too proud to fight."

I don't care to go on record as the instigator of an assault, but I certainly would enjoy reading that some of our Legion boys had pretty well "thumped" this Dowse:

What do you think of my plan? PERCY A. SCOTT

Denver, Col.

Let no TIME subscriber, whether or not a Legionnaire, do violence to Cyril D. H. G. Dillington-Dowse.-- ED.

At the Wardell

Sirs: Last Saturday night, I happened to be in the Wardell apartment hotel (one of the most exclusive apartment hotels in this city), where I was agreeably surprised to note five copies of TIME in the letter rack. My remark to the clerk on the popularity of the publication brought forth this reply: "Yes, sir; about half the people in this hotel read TIME--have you ever read it?" OWEN MACCAFFERTY Detroit, Mich.



I think you will be vitally interested to know what happened yesterday after my little grandson, Robert Temple, had read your MISCELLANY item entitled "Shrewd" (TIME, Aug. 8).

I overheard Robert say to a little playmate that he was going to do "what the smart man did in TIME when he wanted money."

So that you may realize the exact impression which your item made on Robert, I urge you to read it carefully again, and for that reason I have snipped it out and have pasted it in here:


How could a man, stranded penniless in Asbury Park, N. J., obtain the cash round-trip fare to Manhattan within a few moments, and without stealing, begging or earn ing?

One method would be to scan the lost and found columns of a Manhattan newspaper and then take five simple steps:

1) pick out the name of a woman who has lost some article of value and call her up "long dis tance collect"; 2) inform this lady that her lost article has been found and will be returned if she will telegraph the necessary round-trip fare to the finder at Asbury Park, N. J.; 3) go to the telegraph office; 4) collect the money; 5) vanish.

Last week a Mrs. F. Perry of Brooklyn, N. Y., had good reason to be vexed at herself after permitting a strange man who said his name was "J. C. Cadr" to swindle her in this manner from Asbury Park, N. J., after she had lost and advertised for a $2,000 platinum brooch.

Do you realize, TIME, how I felt when 1 heard my own grandson plan to do such a thing and saw him pick up the New York Times to look for what I can only call a "victim" ?

Of course, since I overheard Robert, I was able to take the paper away from him and explain that a gentleman or an honest person of any sort would not do such a thing: I am sure that Robert understands, but I cannot help feeling that much harm may have been done to other children.

Please be more careful, TIME, for I cannot deny that your magazine is bright and clever and often a real pleasure. CECILIA GRAHAM BROWN

(Mrs. J. R. Graham Brown) Scarsdale, N. Y.

Interesting Organ


I have been told that you publish an interesting house organ called TIDE; I will be pleased to have my name placed on your list.

ARTHUR CAPPER-- Topeka, Kan.

TIDE (monthly) published by TIME, Inc. treats of activities in the advertising world. Copies will be sent gratis to any potent advertising man.--ED.

Again, Epstein


"They all lay down sooner or later!"

You may have noticed that that sentence is my favorite, for I began a letter that you printed last week that way, and here goes another!

TIME lays down! Yes sir, TIME, you can take that!

You lay down by printing a whole story about the great Jewish banker Haym Salomon (TIME, Aug. 1), and then you printed not his picture but the picture of a man who was hardly in the story at all, "one" Robert Morris

I say that was where you lay down!

Some other people that did the same were the three men in the Last Man's Club of Stillwater, Minn., that you told about in the same issue. They were saps! They should have waited until only one (instead of three) was left alive of the original 34 that put away the bottle of wine. Then the one man should have drunk the bottle up on the stage of a big-time vaudeville "benefit."

Then he should give the benefit money to the wounded veterans of 1918, because those boys need all they can get t

I tell you TIME !

They all lay down sooner or later! MORRIS ("AL") EPSTEIN JR.

Brooklyn, N. Y.

Let Subscriber Epstein send to TIME for reproduction an authentic likeness of the late Haym Salomon, if he can. TIME believes that no such likeness exists, since the sculptor who designed his statue (TIME, Aug. 1) was obliged to do so on the basis of written out photo- graphic material.

Further, let not Subscriber Epstein make unbridled use of the term "sap."--ED.



You missed the target a mile in your conclusion that the passing out of four diplomas by a Washington veterinary college marked the passing of veterinary colleges in this country [TIME, June 27]. The college in question was the last survivor of the private veterinary colleges and not of veterinary education. The veterinary colleges of this country, once well patronized private institutions, have taken the same path to oblivion as the medical colleges of that class have done and only ten years later. There are still eleven well equipped veterinary colleges in North America and all of them are departments of universities or state agricultural colleges. They are still patronized notwithstanding that the requirements are high and the state board examinations are difficult to negotiate. There are fewer horses in cities than formerly but more in the United States than in 1900. The exact number given by a recent report of the department of agriculture is 17,000,000 and 5,000,000 mules, or about one to every five persons. But the demand for veterinarians is not from the horse and mule industry. The investment in swine, cattle, sheep, poultry and pet animals is estimated to be around $8,000,000,000. It is this investment that the veterinary profession guards against the hazards of disease. The welfare of mankind and of nations runs parallel to the welfare of their animal contemporaries and the veterinarian who is to little known by the average "man of the street" is on the job, trained for and operating a service to that end.

A visit to Ithaca, N. Y.; Philadelphia; Columbus, Ohio; Ames, Iowa; or Guelph, Ontario would surprise you as to what is really transpiring in veterinary circles. True, the man known as the horse doctor who filled a place in animal husbandry before a medical education was much to brag about has passed on just as the old family physician who just "read medicine" has disappeared, and a professional man who is better trained to safeguard the capital invested in livestock, and the milk and meat supply they produce has taken his place. . . .


Editor, North American Veterinarian, Evanston, 111.

Hair, Nails

Sirs: If finger nails and hair renew, how can any sane man recognize limit of life three score-ten ? I asked this two months ago of you. No answer seen!!! If you are stalled, say so--NOW. -Do not stop subscription: even on my own order. DR. L. C. CAMERON

Orlando, Fla.

Let Subscriber Cameron inquire of the Life Extension Institute, No. 25 West 43 St., New York, N. Y. --ED.



Permit me to express my appreciation of the editorial comment in the article "Double Fees ?" under MEDICINE in TIME, July 25, p. 34. It is one of the fairest and most rational analyses of this much discussed question that I have ever seen in a lay paper. I could not resist sending you this word of commendation.


Peoria, Ill.

Again Jailed


Once more I am writing to you from the penitentiary; I wrote to you last year and you printed part of my letter in one of your numbers of July with my photograph [TIME, Aug. 23, 1926]. I am again in jail. I have been arrested on June 24. The last time I have not been tried; I will not be tried this time any more. The President of Haiti, L. Borno, said to a representative of the Chicago Tribune that the prisoners will be released when he happens to think of them again. This has been printed in many American papers. For more details, please see the Nation of July 20 (editorial "Poor Haiti").

We are seven editors of newspapers in jail, with the President of "L'Union Patriotique" and the Secretary of that Association. Nine altogether. Please read the Nation and help us.

As soon as I am out, I am going to renew my subscription that has just expired.

Excuse me for writing with a pencil. We are forbidden to write and this letter is to be smuggled out. That's Haiti under American rule.

But is that kind of thing American?


Editor of Le Temps

Formerly Consul General of Haiti at New York.

Formerly E. E. & M. P. of Haiti at Washington, D. C.

Penitentiary of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

P. S. If you want to know more about the treatment of newspapermen in Haiti, read Occupied Haiti, just edited by The Writers Publishing Co., 9 West 64 St., New York. There is a chapter: "The Prison and the Press."

Highest Railroad


In the July 25 issue of TIME appears a mistake.

On p. 20, lower middle column, speaking of the Moffat road (Denver & Salt Lake), you say: "To climb James Peak and thread a pass 11,660 ft. high, his tracks had to climb 30 miles up 4% grades. ... It was . . . and is ... the highest standard-gauge railroad in the world.

" Now this last sentence is untrue, so let's correct it and say: "It was not--and is not--the highest standard-gauge railroad in the world."

There is, on the Andean plateau in Peru, a standard-gauge railroad owned by an American mining company (Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp.) connecting their camps with the main line of the Central Railway of Peru at Oroya.

The main line of this railroad (Cerro de Pasco Railway) is 132 kilometres (about 80 miles) in length and every foot of it is over 12,000 feet above the sea. Its terminus, the ancient mining town of Cerro de Pasco, is 14,300 feet above the sea. Quite a way up in the air--far above the Moffat road's modest 11,600 feet--but let us consider the Central of Peru, which was-- and probably still is--the highest standard-gauge railroad in the world.

This railway starts at sea level (port of Callao) and crosses the Andes reaching an elevation, near the station of Ticlio, of 15,665 feet. On a branch from this station of Ticlio to a mining camp (Moroco-cha), it scales even higher, or 15,865 feet above the sea. And this is all standard-gauge railroad with no rack and pinion. Now where is that puny little point in Colorado? . . . A. L. CONWELL

Dawson, N. Mex.

--Chairman of the U. S. Senate Committee on the District of Columbia ; publisher and proprietor of Capper's Weekly, the Breeze Topeka and Daily many Capital, another farm Farmers' paper. Mail -- ED. and