Monday, Aug. 22, 1927

Fiscal Figures

Last week the Department of Commerce announced the following immigration figures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1927:

Alien arrivals 538,001

Alien departures 253,508

Net increase* 284,493 The ten leading countries, from which immigrants came, were:

Canada/- 81,506

Mexico/- 67,721

Germany 48,513

Irish Free State 28,054

Great Britain 24 160

Italy 17,297

Poland 9,211

Sweden 8,287

Norway 6,068

France 4,405

Ten other regions although having quotas of 100 each, send no immigrants to the U. S.: French Cameroon, Ethiopia, Muscat, Nepal, Tanganyika, British Togoland, French Togoland, Nauru, New Guinea, Yap.

From the U. S. were deported 11,662 aliens during the fiscal year 1927. Principal reasons: entering without proper visa, entering sur reptitiously, being criminal or immoral, being mentally or physically defective.

*The net increase in the alien population of the U. S. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, was only 268,351. /-Non-quota country.