Monday, Sep. 12, 1927

Near Bar Harbor

Bar Harbor, a picture town of white houses and green lawns, fountains and a cold blue surf, stands smoothly against the ocean. Here fashionable people drift across bright water in sailboats or across wide polished roads in automobiles. Across Salisbury Cove other fashionable people have their docks for swimming, in Winter Harbor. Along the coast is the polite and spectacular beauty of Mount Desert. Sorrento lies near the three, a village in which there are a few big country places and several inns, where people, rich and respectable rather than smart, stay for a few weeks or a month or two.

On property in Sorrento a New York Real Estate firm (headed by a Joseph S. Edelman) held an option, which, last week was delivered over to John E. Nail, Negro real estate operator.* Soon his plans became known. In Sorrento he will organize a fashionable Negro summer resort. There will be a golf course, tennis courts, a clubhouse, a swimming beach across the narrow cove from Bar Harbor.

* Also a director in the National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People.