Monday, Oct. 03, 1927

The Coolidge Week

P:The state governors seldom find time to visit at the White House, but one of them was among the first Coolidge callers last week --Governor John T. Martineau of Arkansas. He came as a chair-man with his six Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi colleagues on the tri-state executive board of flood control. After the call, Governor Martineau said: "We found President Coolidge sympathetic. . . ." He estimated that the permanent anti-flood program would cost close to a half billion.* The governor and colleagues later conferred with Secretary of War Davis and chief of engineers General Hadwin. P:Four days after Governor Martineau, along came Governor John S. Fisher of Pennsylvania, to extend invitations for this and that and to judge for himself of Mr. Coolidge's political intentions. When he left he was saying: "Hughes . .. Hoover . . . Dawes . . . Lowden." P: The President kept himself busy announcing major appointments. First and foremost was his new Ambassador to Mexico, Dwight W. Morrow of Manhattan (see The Cabinet). Next, Roy Archibald Young of Minneapolis was designated a member of the Federal Reserve Board, to succeed Daniel Richard Crissinger (resigned) as governor of the Board as soon as confirmed in membership. To fill vacancies on the Anglo-American and Franco-American commissions.š the President chose Senators Lenroot of Wisconsin and Underwood of Alabama, respectively, to succeed the late Senator Gray of Delaware and the late one-time (1895-97) Secretary of State Richard Olney. P: "For a number of years it has been our custom as a nation to observe as National Fire Prevention Week, the week in which the anniversary of the great Chicago fire of 1871 occurs." Let custom continue, proclaimed the President, beginning October 9. P: Mrs. Coolidge went forth into the marts of fashion and bought $1,000 worth of gowns. The sales persons described her taste not merely as "suitable" but with the more glowing adjectives "smart," "gay," "distinguished." P: President and Mrs. Coolidge, the latter in emerald green chiffon and a white satin wrap with white furry collar, helped make the opening of the new Fox Cinema Theatre, largest in town, a gala affair by attending. Legislators and diplomats aplenty were in the house, but what most pleased President William Fox of the Fox Film Corporation and impressario Samuel Lionel Rothafel was the President's demonstrative enjoyment of third program, especially a revival of the Glow Worm number from Composer Paul Lincke's ballet Lysisprata (1905).

*Secretary of Commerce Hoover, after warning that all flood control estimates were guesswork so far, last week guessed that the program would be managed for 20 or 30 millions per annum for 10 years. These costs, he thought, should not deter tax reduction. š Arbitration commissions established by treaties with Britain and France in 1914.