Monday, Dec. 05, 1927

"Unalterable Alliance"

"One of the greatest strokes of diplomacy yet achieved by the Fascist Government," was the gloating comment, last week, of Il Tevere and other Fascist news organs, when Signor Benito Mussolini caused to be revealed in Rome that a new Italo-Albanian treaty had been signed two days previously in the Albanian capital, Tirana.

When the treaty text was released at Rome its literal purport was seen to be the extension of last year's Italo-Albanian treaty of "friendship and security" (TIME, Dec. 13, 1926) into what the new document describes as "an unalterable defensive alliance for 20 years between Albania on the one hand and Italy on the other. . . ."

More specifically, Article Three of the new pact declares: "In case one of the contracting parties is threatened with war, unprovoked by itself, the other party shall employ all its most efficacious means not only to prevent hostilities but also to secure just satisfaction for the threatened party."

Significance. Although a phrase in the new treaty defines as one of its objects "the maintenance of peace and tranquility," few statesmen could construe its major clauses otherwise than a loud war-threat to nations which might conceivably wish to attack Italy or Albania: a tiny Adriatic republic, mountainous, pestilence-ridden, and shaken early this year by a devastating earthquake. Since Italy can expect no substantial aid from so puny and impotent an ally, it became interesting to speculate on why the pact signed last week constitutes "one of the greatest strokes of diplomacy yet achieved" by Il Duce.

Explanation lies in the fact that Italians were becoming anxious, last fortnight, over the signing of an accord between France and Jugoslavia in mid-November. If so great a Power as France was throwing her prestige upon the side of Italy's potential enemy, Jugoslavia, then it behooved Signor Mussolini to trumpet that Italy is unafraid and not unbefriended.

The treaty signed last week accomplished all requisite trumpeting. It dressed up the well-known dependence of Albania upon Italy in the guise of an "unalterable defensive alliance" between sovereign states. With this counterblast against the Franco-Jugoslav treaty, Signor Mussolini perhaps dazzled and reassured some impressionable Italians. The feelings of non-Italians were well echoed by the Journal des Debats of Paris which called the treaty "a gesture of bad humor."