Monday, Dec. 12, 1927

Wet Speech

Governor Albert Cabell Ritchie of Maryland, Wet Democrat, ate haggis* with the St. Andrew's Society last week in Manhattan. Said he: "About the only things that make eyes flash and stir human emotions now are Prohibition, the K. K. K., religious intolerance and Fundamentalism. . . . The real question is not whether you are 'wet' or 'dry,' to use the inept phrases of the hour, but whether there should be a national, blanket law governing any such question of personal conduct when that law receives neither sanction nor regard among large communities and groups of the people."

*Scottish pudding. Recipe: mince & season the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys etc. of a sheep or calf: put in suet, onion, oatmeal, blood; wrap and tie the mixture in the animal's stomach; boil.