Monday, Dec. 12, 1927

Engaged. William Hanford ("Big Bill") Edwards, 51, president since 1925 of the American Professional Football League, onetime Collector of Internal Revenue in New York by appointment of the late President Woodrow Wilson, onetime (1907-13) Commissioner of the Street-Cleaning Department of New York City; to Mrs. Norma Jones Steelsmith, Pelham (N. Y.) schoolteacher.

Married. Miss Constance S. du Pont, daughter of Irenee du Pont (explosives, industrial chemicals, motors), onetime (1919-26) President of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.; to one Colgate W. Darden Jr.; at Wilmington, Del.

Married. Miss Olivia Devereux Johnson, daughter of Owen Johnson, famed novelist (The Varmint, Stover at Yale, etc.), granddaughter of Robert Underwood Johnson, onetime (Feb. 1920-July 1921) U. S. Ambassador to Italy; to Peter Ferguson Chambers, nephew of Novelist Robert William Chambers; in Manhattan.

Died. Gomez Carillo, 53, South American author, onetime husband of Raquel Meller (famed Spanish singer); in Paris; after an operation. Their marriage was annulled by the Pope. Once, jealous of her success, he had Meller arrested and almost succeeded in having her detained in an asylum for alleged insanity (TIME, April 28, 1926).

Died. Gladys, wife of Rt. Hon. William Maxwell Aitken, Baron of Beaverbrook, famed British newspaper publisher; of heart disease; in London.

Died. Herbert Spencer Hadley, 55, onetime (1909-13) first Republican governor of Missouri in 40 years, chancellor since 1923 of Washington University in St. Louis; after prolonged illness; in St. Louis.

Died. Albert Adrien Clemenceau, 66, brother of Wartime Prime Minister of France Georges Eugene Adrien Clemenceau, lawyer, lifelong player of tennis; at Paris, after an operation made necessary by the fact that a hurtling tennis ball recently struck his abdomen. M. Clemenceau's sister, Adrienne, died during the past fortnight.

Died. The father of cinemactor Tom Mix (Edward E. Mix), 73; at Dubois, Pa.; from a heart attack.

Died. John William Griggs, 78, onetime (1896-98) Governor of New Jersey, onetime (1898-1901) U. S. Attorney General under the late President McKinley; at Paterson, N. J.; after a heart and kidney illness of several weeks.