Monday, Dec. 26, 1927

Again, Magruder

When red-headed Rear Admiral Thomas Pickett Magruder, U. S. N., published his strictures on affairs naval some months ago (TIME, Oct. 3 et seq.), he received a telegram from Secretary of the Navy Wilbur: "Present immediately such full detailed plans for the reorganization of the Navy and the Navy Department as you now have." Last week, privileged in the presence of the House Naval Affairs Committee, Admiral Magruder answered the telegram. "Of course I had no 'full detailed plans' ready for immediate presentation," said he. "I am of the opinion that whoever indited that telegram knew that the answer had to be in the negative. . ." Gazing at a memorandum on the "Magruder Incident" from Secretary Wilbur to the Committee, Admiral Magruder added: "Calumny is a strong word, but I believe there is a great deal of it in this comment. All through this comment I am accused of giving false and erroneous information to the public. In my opinion, all this comment is designed to take attention from the main points. ... I could think of a stronger word, but calumny covers it." Admiral Magruder then presented to the House Naval Affairs Committee his "main points," in effect as follows: 1) For economy's sake, abolish the Material and Navy Yard divisions of the Naval Bureau of Operations, run by Rear Admirals and large staffs. They are prime examples of how the Navy is "over-organized." 2) Abandon the New York Navy Yard and the Brooklyn Naval Supply Depot. The Philadelphia Navy Yard* is sufficient for repairs & upkeep in the midsection of the Atlantic Coast. The yards at Charleston, S. C., and Kittery, Me., are costly. 3) "There are seven Navy yards on the Atlantic coast and not one of them may be used as a base for the fleet in case of war on the Atlantic." 4) Let warships be built in private yards, not Navy yards. It is cheaper. It would stimulate U. S. shipbuilding. 5) The Navy is not "over-officered." It is "over-organized." There are more ranks than the jobs warrant. The U. S. fleet today is half the size of the British fleet which fought at Jutland, yet has as many admirals. 6) Scrap the old cruisers now assigned to the Special Service Squadron. 7) Base more destroyers at Panama; tropic rains will not (as some say) rot them.

*Commanded by Admiral Magruder until the "incident."