Monday, Dec. 26, 1927

Ireland Advises

The Irish Free State Government "advised" King-Emperor George V, last week, to appoint a new Governor General to the Irish Free State. His Majesty was further "advised" that an acceptable appointee would be James McNeill, now resident in London as High Commissioner for the Irish Free State.

Since times have changed, the King-Emperor accepted both these pieces of advice, last week. Mr. McNeill will take office as Governor General late in January. His appointment does not mean that Irishmen are dissatisfied with crusty but beloved Governor General Timothy Healy. It merely happens that "Tim" has vice-regally represented the Crown for the customary period of five years and that the appointment of his successor is a matter of empire "routine."

In the U. S., Appointee McNeill is virtually unknown; but Britons are content that he should represent the Crown because of his long and faithful service to the Government of India. From 1888 to 1912 he held various posts in the administration of Bombay, later being charged with educative work to combat the plague throughout India. His brother, Irish Free State Minister of Education John McNeill, reputedly secured his appointment, four years ago, as first High Commissioner of the Irish Free State at London.