Monday, Dec. 26, 1927


As many U. S. advertising clubs had already done, the New York Advertising Club last week examined advertisements written by local pastors to explain "What the Church Has to Offer Men." The prize advertisement, written by Dr. Walter Russell Bowie, rector of Grace Church, Manhattan: "Without ideals, life is mean-- "Without a purpose, it is flat-- "Without inspiring power, it will fail. "The Church can give to men ideals, purposes, power. "In the lives of prophets and heroes and in the life of Jesus Christ, the Church holds up the ideals by which character and achievement must be measured. "In the call to help build the Kingdom of God on earth, the Church presents the purpose which can give new meaning to everything men do.

"In common faith and in co-operation of purpose, the Church releases through human lives the transforming power of God."

For this "copy" Dr. Bowie received a fountain pen from the New York Advertising Club.