Monday, Jan. 02, 1928
The House Week
Work Done. The U. S. Representatives :
P:Passed bills for constructing, and extending time for constructing, sundry river bridges. (I Passed the bill amending the statute of limitations, to increase legal immunity (TIME, Dec. 26); sent. it to the President. P: Passed bills authorizing 25 millions to purchase for the U. S. a triangle of land in the District of Columbia (at Pennsylvania avenue and B street), and 100 millions more for Federal buildings outside of the District of Columbia; sent them to the Senate.
Debated and amended the ALIEN PROPERTY BILL (TIME, Dec. 26); passed it, 223 to 26; sent it to the Senate.
P:Passed a resolution of regret at the death of Senator Jones of New Mexico and in his honor adjourned, until Jan. 4.
The Bill Mill. "And now, just a word before we adjourn. I want to congratulate this House on being the most efficient lawmaking body in existence. We have passed three vitally important pieces of legislation in less than two weeks. You have well deserved your holiday. . . ."
It is for speeches like that that the Representatives love Nicholas ("Natty Nick") Longworth, their bald, pink, chubby Speaker.
The important pieces of legislation referred to were, of course, the Deficiency Bill, the Revenue Act, the Alien Property Bill. In addition, from Dec. 5 to Dec. 21 the House had passed 19 other bills and joint resolutions, and 25 resolutions requiring House action only.
The total number of measures introduced in the House was 8,459. Notable among last week's grist for the bill mill were three proposed Navy inquiries prompted by the S-4 disaster; a new farm-relief bill by Representative Haugen of Iowa; a Mississippi flood-control bill, by Chairman Reid of the Flood-Control Committee, calling for Federal payment of the entire program instead of only 80% as urged by the administration.